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REL server

This section describes how to set up and use the REL server.

Running the server

The server uses fastapi as the web framework. FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs bases on standard Python type hints. When combined with pydantic this makes it very straightforward to set up a web API with minimal coding.

python ./src/REL/ \
    wiki_2019 \
    --ner-model ner-fast ner-fast-with-lowercase

This will open the API at the default host/port: http://localhost:5555.

One of the advantage of using fastapi is its automated docs by adding /docs or /redoc to the end of the url:

You can use python ./src/scripts/ for some examples of the queries and to test the server.


Set $REL_BASE_URL to the path where your data are stored (base_url).

For mention detection and entity linking, the base_url must contain all the files specified here.

In addition, for conversational entity linking, additonal files are needed as specified here

In summary, these paths must exist:

  • $REL_BASE_URL/wiki_2019 or $REL_BASE_URL/wiki_2014
  • $REL_BASE_URL/bert_conv for conversational EL)
  • $REL_BASE_URL/s2e_ast_onto for conversational EL)

Running REL as a systemd service

In this tutorial we provide some instructions on how to run REL as a systemd service. This is a fairly simple setup, and allows for e.g. automatic restarts after crashes or machine reboots.

Create rel.service

For a basic systemd service file for REL, put the following content into /etc/systemd/system/rel.service:

Description=My REL service

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "python src/REL/"


Note that you may have to alter the code in to reflect necessary address/port changes.

This is the simplest way to write a service file for REL; it could be more complicated depending on any additional needs you may have. For further instructions, see e.g. here or man 5 systemd.service.

Enable the service

In order to enable the service, run the following commands in your shell:

systemctl daemon-reload

# For systemd >= 220:
systemctl enable --now rel.service

# For earlier versions:
systemctl enable rel.service