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Notes on using custom models with REL

It is easy to swap out parts of REL's pipeline with different models. REL contains infrastructure to easily download and use models provided by us, but you can also define your own models. In this tutorial, we outline some possible scenarios.

Everything listed below only works for loading models. When training a new model, you can only use a local filepath.

Loading semantics

NER and ED models that we provide as part of REL can be loaded easily using aliases. Available models are listed on the REL repository. All models that need to be downloaded from the web are cached for subsequent use.

TODO: list evaluations of models here, a la Flair

Additionally, fields that accept aliases also take URLs and regular file paths as values.


Loading Flair NER models:

from REL.ner import load_flair_ner

### Flair ###
# Flair provides their own aliases, you can use those as well as our aliases.
# For example, using ner-fast from Flair:
ner_tagger = load_flair_ner("ner-fast")

# Or using ner-fast-with-lowercase, a finetuned version of ner-fast provided
# as part of REL:
ner_tagger = load_flair_ner("ner-fast-with-lowercase")

# You can also use a URL (http or https) to a model checkpoint, e.g.:
ner_tagger = load_flair_ner("")

# Or a path on your filesystem:
ner_tagger = load_flair_ner("/home/user/flair/")

You can use the same variations when loading EntityDisambiguation models, but there are a few caveats. ED models are stored in two files, model.state_dict (the actual weights) and model.config (architecture parameters etc.). To load the model, you can supply either a local filepath without extension, or a URL/filepath to a tarfile containing the two files. Examples of the required directory structure are shown below.


Loading an ED model using a REL alias is simple. Pass the alias string to the model_path key in the configuration, e.g.:

from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation

base_url = "/path/to/some/place/"
wiki_version = "wiki_2019"
config = {
    "mode": "eval",
    "model_path": "ed-wiki-2019"  # model alias
ed_model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)

Local filepath

Required directory structure:

├── model.config
└── model.state_dict
Note that the files must be named model.state_dict and model.config! If you wish to use a logistic regression model for confidence estimation, its checkpoint must be called lr_model.pkl and be in the same directory as the model files.

Loading this model:

from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation

base_url = "/path/to/some/place/"
wiki_version = "wiki_2019"
config = {
    "mode": "eval",
    "model_path": "model_folder/model"  # partial filepath to model
ed_model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)

Local or remote archives

Required archive structure:

Filename: model_folder.tar

├── model.config
└── model.state_dict
The archive filename (minus extension) should be identical to the folder it contains. The model files again must be called model.state_dict and model.config (and lr_model.pkl if applicable). Compressed archives are also supported, see Python's tarfile module documentation for supported formats.

Loading a model from local archive:

from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation

base_url = "/path/to/some/place/"
wiki_version = "wiki_2019"
config = {
    "mode": "eval",
    "model_path": "/path/to/model_folder.tar"  # filepath to archive
ed_model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)

Loading a model from remote archive:

from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation

base_url = "/path/to/some/place/"
wiki_version = "wiki_2019"
config = {
    "mode": "eval",
    "model_path": ""  # URL to archive
ed_model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)

Under the hood

All the remote model loading functionality is built on REL.utils.fetch_model. This function tries to get a URL from models.json if applicable, and then downloads and caches the model checkpoint. You can use this function yourself to download and cache any other files you might need as well, it is not inherently limited to just model checkpoints.