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How to get started

Throughout the project we will constantly use a variable, which we called base_url. This variable refers to your data folder and will be used to store the folders that need to be downloaded from our main Github page, but will also be used to store e.g. generated training and test files.

base_url = "/home/user/project_folder"

The files that are provided on our main Github page can be copied and downloaded into this folder, thus obtaining the folder structure below. Throughout this set of tutorials the generic folder will always be required, but the user may choose to work with either the 2014, 2019 or their own Wikipedia corpus.

├── generic
└─── wiki_2014
|   ├── basic_data
|      └── anchor_files
|   └── generated
└─── wiki_2019
|   ├── basic_data
|      └── anchor_files
|   └── generated